1. Naruto
2. One Piece
3. Eyeshield 21
4. Kochikame
5. Hikaru no Go
Rookies (Absent in ranked issue)
6. Shaman King
Yu-Gi-Oh (Absent in ranked issue)
7. Bleach
8. Ichigo 100%
9. Ultra Red*
10. Pretty Face
11. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
12. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
13. A•O•N
Cover: Naruto
Lead Colour Page: Prince of Tennis
Colour Page: Black Cat
Colour Page: Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar
Absent: Mr. Fullswing

1. Naruto
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Hikaru no Go
4. Eyeshield 21
5. Ichigo 100%
6. Kochikame
Yu-Gi-Oh (Absent in ranked issue)
7. Bleach
8. Black Cat
9. Shaman King
Mr. Fullswing (Absent in ranked issue)
10. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
11. Pretty Face
12. A•O•N*
13. HunterxHunter
14. Rookies
15. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
16. Sword Breaker (END)
Cover: Prince of Tennis
Lead Colour Page: One Piece

1. One Piece
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Mr. Fullswing
4. Shaman King
5. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Yu-Gi-Oh (Absent in ranked issue)
6. Hikaru no Go
7. Black Cat
8. Bleach
9. Ichigo 100%
10. Rookies
11. Pretty Face
12. HunterxHunter
13. Kochikame
14. Sword Breaker
15. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover: One Piece
Lead Colour Page: Eyeshield 21
Absent: Naruto

1. Eyeshield 21
2. Naruto
3. One Piece
4. Hikaru no Go
5. Prince of Tennis
6. Shaman King
7. Kochikame
Yu-Gi-Oh (Absent in ranked issue)
8. Ichigo 100%
9. Mr. Fullswing
10. Pretty Face
11. Sword Breaker
12. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
13. HunterxHunter
14. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover: Eyeshield 21
Lead Colour Page: Bleach
Absent: Black Cat, Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar and Rookies

1. One Piece
2. Eyeshield 21
3. Hikaru no Go
4. Bleach
5. Shaman King
6. Mr. Fullswing
7. Naruto
8. Yu-Gi-Oh
9. Kochikame
10. Black Cat
11. Pretty Face
12. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
13. Sword Breaker
14. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
15. HunterxHunter
16. Rookies
Cover: Hikaru no Go
Lead Colour Page: Prince of Tennis
Colour Page: Ichigo 100%
Absent: Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar

1. One Piece
2. Naruto
3. Eyeshield 21
4. Prince of Tennis
5. Yu-Gi-Oh
6. Hikaru no Go
7. Kochikame
8. Ichigo 100%
9. Black Cat
10. Bleach
11. Mr. Fullswing
12. Pretty Face
13. Sword Breaker
14. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
15. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Rookies (Absent in ranked issue)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Shaman King
Colour Page: Ultra Red
Absent: HunterxHunter

1. One Piece
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Naruto
4. Eyeshield 21
5. Kochikame
6. Bleach
7. Black Cat
8. Ichigo 100%
9. Mr. Fullswing
10. Shaman King
11. Pretty Face
12. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
13. HunterxHunter
14. Sword Breaker
15. Rookies
16. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Yu-Gi-Oh
Colour Page: A•O•N
Absent: Hikaru no Go

1. One Piece
2. Naruto
3. Kochikame
4. Hikaru no Go
5. Bleach
6. Ichigo 100%
7. Mr. Fullswing
8. Pretty Face
9. Shaman King
10. Sword Breaker
11. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
12. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
13. Black Cat
14. Whistle! (END)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Ultra Red (NEW)
Colour Page: Eyeshield 21
Absent: HunterxHunter, Prince of Tennis, Rookies and Yu-Gi-Oh!

1. Shaman King
2. Eyeshield 21
3. Naruto
4. Prince of Tennis
5. Kochikame
6. Hikaru no Go
7. Ichigo 100%
8. Black Cat
9. Rookies
10. HunterxHunter
11. Bleach
12. Sword Breaker
13. Pretty Face
14. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
15. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Whistle! (Absent in ranked issue)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: A•O•N (NEW)
Absent: Mr. Fullswing, One Piece, Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar and Yu-Gi-Oh!

1. Prince of Tennis
2. Hikaru no Go
3. One Piece
4. Pretty Face
5. Shaman King
6. Eyeshield 21
7. Bleach
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Absent in ranked issue)
8. Sword Breaker*
9. Kochikame
10. Ichigo 100%
11. Mr. Fullswing
Rookies (Absent in ranked issue)
12. Black Cat
13. Whistle!
14. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Naruto
Absent: Yu-Gi-Oh!

1. Eyeshield 21*
2. Naruto
Shaman King (Absent in ranked issue)
3. Prince of Tennis
4. Hikaru no Go
5. Kochikame
6. Pretty Face
7. Bleach
8. Mr. Fullswing
Black Cat (Absent in ranked issue)
9. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
10. Ichigo 100%
11. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
12. HunterxHunter
13. Whistle!
Cover: Pretty Face
Lead Colour Page: One Piece
Colour Page: Rookies
Absent: Yu-Gi-Oh!

1. Yu-Gi-Oh!
2. One Piece
3. Naruto
4. Prince of Tennis
5. Pretty Face
6. Ichigo 100%
7. Shaman King
8. Mr. Fullswing
9. Kochikame
10. Black Cat
11. Bleach
12. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
13. Whistle!
14. Rookies
15. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover: HunterxHunter
Lead Colour Page: Hikaru no Go
Colour Page: HunterxHunter

1. Prince of Tennis
2. Yu-Gi-Oh!
3. One Piece
4. Naruto
5. Shaman King
6. Pretty Face
7. Mr. Fullswing
8. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
9. Black Cat
10. Ichigo 100%
11. Bleach
12. Kochikame
13. Whistle!
14. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Hikaru no Go
Absent: HunterxHunter and Rookies

1. Yu-Gi-Oh!
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Naruto
4. One Piece
5. Hikaru no Go
6. Kochikame
7. Pretty Face
8. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
9. Shaman King
10. Ichigo 100%
11. Black Cat
12. Mr. Fullswing
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
Whistle! (Absent in ranked issue)
13. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Rookies (Absent in ranked issue)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Bleach

1. Yu-Gi-Oh!
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Naruto
4. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
5. One Piece
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
6. Mr. Fullswing
7. Kochikame
8. Pretty Face
9. Whistle!
10. Rookies
11. Bleach
12. Shaman King
13. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
14. Ichigo 100%
15. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi! (END)
16. Black Cat
Cover: One Piece
Lead Colour Page: Hikaru no Go
Colour Page: Sword Breaker

Prince of Tennis (Absent in ranked issue)
1. Yu-Gi-Oh!
2. Hikaru no Go
3. Pretty Face
4. Shaman King
5. Naruto
6. Ichigo 100%
7. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
8. Bleach
9. Kochikame
10. Mr. Fullswing
Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi! (Absent in ranked issue)
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
Rookies (Absent in ranked issue)
11. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
12. Black Cat
Cover: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Lead Colour Page: One Piece
Colour Page: Eyeshield 21
Absent: Whistle!

1. Prince of Tennis
2. One Piece
3. Naruto
4. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
5. Pretty Face
6. Shaman King
7. Hikaru no Go
8. Kochikame
9. Bleach
10. Mr. Fullswing
11. Black Cat
12. Ichigo 100%
14. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Sword Breaker (NEW)
Absent: HunterxHunter, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Rookies and Yu-Gi-Oh!

1. Hikaru no Go
2. One Piece
3. Prince of Tennis
4. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
5. Kochikame
6. Yu-Gi-Oh!
7. Pretty Face
8. Ichigo 100%
9. Mr. Fullswing
10. Naruto
11. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
12. Rookies
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
14. Bleach
15. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
16. Number 10 (END)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Eyeshield 21 (NEW)
Absent: Black Cat and Shaman King

1. Pretty Face
2. Yu-Gi-Oh!
3. One Piece
4. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
5. Naruto
6. Prince of Tennis
7. Shaman King
Mr. Fullswing (Absent in ranked issue)
8. Ichigo 100%
9. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
10. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
11. Kochikame
12. Whistle!
13. Bleach
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
14. Rookies
15. Number 10
16. Black Cat
17. Shonen Espa Nejime (END)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Hikaru no Go
Absent: Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar

1. Prince of Tennis
2. One Piece
3. Mr. Fullswing
4. Shaman King
Hikaru no Go (Absent in ranked issue)
5. Naruto
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Absent in ranked issue)
6. Whistle!
7. HunterxHunter
8. Ichigo 100%
9. Kochikame
10. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
11. Bleach
12. Rookies
13. Number 10*
14. Shonen Espa Nejime
15. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
16. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Black Cat (2nd Anniversary)
Colour Page: Pretty Face

1. Shaman King
2. One Piece
3. Yu-Gi-Oh!
4. Pretty Face*
Hikaru no Go (Absent in ranked issue)
5. Kochikame
6. Shonen Espa Nejime
7. Mr. Fullswing
8. Ichigo 100%
Naruto (Absent in ranked issue)
9. Black Cat
10. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
11. Bleach
12. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
13. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Prince of Tennis
Absent: HunterxHunter, Rookies and Whistle!

1. Yu-Gi-Oh!
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Hikaru no Go
4. Kochikame
5. One Piece
6. Mr. Fullswing
7. Ichigo 100%
8. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
9. Whistle!
10. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
11. Shaman King
12. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
13. Bleach
14. Shonen Espa Nejime
Rookies (Absent in ranked issue)
15. Black Cat
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Naruto
Absent: HunterxHunter and Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar

1. Naruto
2. One Piece
3. Yu-Gi-Oh!
4. Shaman King
5. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
6. Bleach
7. Mr. Fullswing
8. Whistle!
9. Black Cat
10. Kochikame
11. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
12. Shonen Espa Nejime
Cover: Shaman King
Lead Colour Page: Ichigo 100%
Colour Page: Hikaru no Go
Absent: HunterxHunter, Prince of Tennis, Rookies and Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!

1. Naruto
2. Prince of Tennis
3. One Piece
Hikaru no Go (Absent in ranked issue)
4. Yu-Gi-Oh!
5. Bleach
6. Kochikame
7. Black Cat
8. Whistle!
9. Ichigo 100%
10. Shaman King
11. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
12. Rookies
13. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
14. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
15. Shonen Espa Nejime
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Mr. Fullswing
Colour Page: Number 10
Absent: HunterxHunter

1. One Piece
2. Shaman King
3. Yu-Gi-Oh!
4. Prince of Tennis
5. Naruto
Hikaru no Go (Absent in ranked issue)
6. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
7. Ichigo 100%
8. Mr. Fullswing
9. Kochikame
10. Shonen Espa Nejime
11. Black Cat
Rookies (Absent in ranked issue)
12. Bleach
13. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
14. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Whistle!
Colour Page: Pretty Face
Absent: HunterxHunter

1. Prince of Tennis
2. One Piece
3. Shaman King
4. Yu-Gi-Oh!
5. Naruto
6. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
7. Black Cat
8. Kochikame
9. Ichigo 100%
10. Whistle!
11. Bleach
12. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
13. Rookies
14. Shonen Espa Nejime
15. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Hikaru no Go
Absent: HunterxHunter and Mr. Fullswing

1. Naruto
2. One Piece
3. Prince of Tennis
4. Whistle!
5. Shaman King
6. Ichigo 100%
7. Mr. Fullswing
8. Shonen Espa Nejime
9. Kochikame
10. Black Cat
11. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
12. Bleach
13. Rookies
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
14. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Number 10 (NEW)
Colour Page: Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Absent: Hikaru no Go and Yu-Gi-Oh!

1. One Piece
2. Shaman King
Prince of Tennis (Absent in ranked issue)
3. Bleach
4. Ichigo 100%
5. Whistle!
6. Yu-Gi-Oh!
7. Mr. Fullswing
8. Rookies
9. Kochikame
10. Black Cat
11. Shonen Espa Nejime
12. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
13. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
14. HunterxHunter
15. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
16. Sowaka (END)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Pretty Face (NEW)
Absent: Hikaru no Go, Naruto and Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar

1. One Piece
2. Naruto
3. Yu-Gi-Oh!
4. Whistle!
5. Ichigo 100%
6. Black Cat
7. Mr. Fullswing
Shaman King (Absent in ranked issue)
8. HunterxHunter
9. Kochikame
10. Bleach
11. Sowaka
12. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
13. Shonen Espa Nejime
14. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
15. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
16. Akkera Kanjincho (END)
Cover: One Piece
Lead Colour Page: Prince of Tennis
Colour Page: Hikaru no Go
Absent: Rookies

1. One Piece
2. Ichigo 100%
3. Yu-Gi-Oh!
4. Prince of Tennis
Naruto (Absent in ranked issue)
5. Mr. Fullswing
Hikaru no Go (Absent in ranked issue)
6. Kochikame
7. Bleach
8. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
9. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
10. Shaman King
11. Black Cat
12. Rookies
13. Sowaka
14. Shonen Espa Nejime
15. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen (END)
16. Akkera Kanjincho
17. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Whistle!
Absent: HunterxHunter

1. Prince of Tennis
2. Yu-Gi-Oh!
3. Naruto
4. Mr. Fullswing
5. Whistle!
6. Shaman King
7. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
8. Black Cat
9. Kochikame
10. Shonen Espa Nejime*
11. Ichigo 100%
12. Bleach
13. Rookies
14. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
15. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
16. Sowaka
17. Akkera Kanjincho
18. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover: Mr. Fullswing
Lead Colour Page: One Piece
Absent: Hikaru no Go and HunterxHunter

1. Shaman King
2. Naruto
3. One Piece
4. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
5. Ichigo 100%*
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Absent in ranked issue)
6. Mr. Fullswing
7. Kochikame
8. Whistle!
9. Bleach
Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi! (Absent in ranked issue)
10. Black Cat
11. Sowaka
12. Akkera Kanjincho
13. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
14. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover: Ichigo 100%
Lead Colour Page: Prince of Tennis
Absent: Hikaru no Go, HunterxHunter, Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar and Rookies

1. Yu-Gi-Oh!
One Piece (Absent in ranked issue)
2. Naruto
3. Shaman King
4. Mr. Fullswing
5. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
6. Rookies
7. Kochikame
8. Bleach
9. Black Cat
10. Whistle!
11. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
12. HunterxHunter
13. Sowaka
14. Akkera Kanjincho*
15. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
16. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Prince of Tennis
Absent: Hikaru no Go

1. Prince of Tennis
2. One Piece
3. Bleach
4. Kochikame
5. Yu-Gi-Oh!
Hikaru no Go (Absent in ranked issue)
6. Whistle!
7. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
8. Mr. Fullswing
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Absent in ranked issue)
9. Black Cat
10. Sowaka
11. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
12. Rookies
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Naruto
Colour Page: Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
Colour Page: Shaman King
Absent: HunterxHunter

1. One Piece
2. Naruto
3. Yu-Gi-Oh!
4. Hikaru no Go
5. Mr. Fullswing
6. Whistle!
7. Shaman King
8. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
9. Bleach
10. Kochikame
11. Black Cat
12. Sowaka
13. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
14. HunterxHunter
15. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
16. Rookies
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Colour Page: Shonen Espa Nejime
Colour Page: Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar
Absent: Prince of Tennis

1. Naruto
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
4. Yu-Gi-Oh!
5. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
6. Bleach
7. Black Cat
8. Kochikame
9. Mr. Fullswing
10. Whistle!
11. HunterxHunter
12. Rookies
13. Sowaka
14. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
15. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover & Lead Colour Page: One Piece
Colour Page: Ichigo 100%
Absent: Hikaru no Go and Shaman King

1. Yu-Gi-Oh!
2. One Piece
3. Shaman King
4. Prince of Tennis
5. Bleach
6. Mr. Fullswing
7. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
8. Whistle!
9. Black Cat
10. Rookies
11. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
12. HunterxHunter
13. Sowaka
14. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
15. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Kochikame
Colour Page: Akkera Kanjincho
Absent: Hikaru no Go, Naruto and Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar

1. One Piece
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Yu-Gi-Oh!
4. Naruto
5. Hikaru no Go
6. Kochikame
7. Mr. Fullswing
8. Shaman King
9. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
10. Whistle!
11. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
12. Bleach
13. Rookies
14. Black Cat
15. Sowaka
16. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
17. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Shonen Espa Nejime (NEW)
Absent: HunterxHunter

1. One Piece
2. Naruto
3. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
4. Prince of Tennis
5. Shaman King
6. Kochikame
7. Mr. Fullswing
Whistle! (Absent in ranked issue)
8. Bleach
9. Black Cat
10. Sowaka
11. HunterxHunter
12. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
13. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
14. Rising Impact (END)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Ichigo 100% (NEW)
Colour Page: Hikaru no Go
Absent: Rookies, Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi! and Yu-Gi-Oh!

1. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Naruto
4. Kochikame
5. Yu-Gi-Oh!
6. Shaman King
7. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
8. Mr. Fullswing
9. Bleach
10. Black Cat
11. Sowaka
12. Rookies
13. Whistle!
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
14. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
15. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
16. Rising Impact
17. Mononoke! Nyantaro (END)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Akkera Kanjincho (NEW)
Absent: Hikaru no Go and One Piece

1. Naruto
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Yu-Gi-Oh!
4. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
5. Mr. Fullswing
6. Bleach
7. Kochikame
8. Sakuratetsu Taiwahen*
9. Shaman King
10. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
11. Whistle!
12. Black Cat
13. Sowaka
14. Rising Impact
15. Mononoke! Nyantaro
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Rookies
Colour Page: One Piece
Absent: Hikaru no Go, HunterxHunter, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar

1. One Piece
Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi! (Absent in ranked issue)
2. Bleach
3. Naruto
4. Prince of Tennis
Shaman King (Absent in ranked issue)
5. Mr. Fullswing
6. Mononoke! Nyantaro
7. Whistle!
8. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
9. Sowaka*
10. Black Cat
11. Kochikame
12. Rising Impact
13. HunterxHunter
14. Rookies
15. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Colour Page: Hikaru no Go

1. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
2. Prince of Tennis
3. One Piece
4. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
5. Naruto
6. Mr. Fullswing
7. Shaman King
8. Bleach
9. Yu-Gi-Oh!
10. Black Cat
11. Kochikame
Hikaru no Go (Absent in ranked issue)
12. Mononoke! Nyantaro*
13. Whistle!
14. HunterxHunter
15. Rookies
Cover & Lead Colour Page: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Colour Page: Rising Impact

1. One Piece
Prince of Tennis (Absent in ranked issue)
2. Yu-Gi-Oh!
3. Rising Impact
4. Shaman King
5. Bleach
6. Hikaru no Go
7. Black Cat
8. Mr. Fullswing
9. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
Whistle! (Absent in ranked issue)
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
10. Kochikame
11. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
12. Rookies
13. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Cover: All main characters
Lead Colour Page: Naruto

1. Prince of Tennis
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Absent in ranked issu)
2. Shaman King
3. Naruto
4. Hikaru no Go
5. Kochikame
6. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
7. Black Cat
8. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
9. Whistle!
10. Rising Impact
11. Rookies
HunterxHunter (Absent in ranked issue)
12. Bleach
13. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cover: All main characters
Lead Colour Page: One Piece
Colour Page: Sakuratetsu Taiwahen
Colour Page: Mr. Fullswing

1. Yu-Gi-Oh!
2. Naruto
3. One Piece
4. Shaman King
5. Prince of Tennis
6. Bleach
7. Hikaru no Go
8. Mr. Fullswing
9. Rising Impact
10. Black Cat
11. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
12. HunterxHunter
13. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
14. Kochikame
15. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
Cover: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Lead Colour Page: Rookies
Colour Page: Mononoke! Nyantaro
Colour Page: Sowaka
Absent: Whistle!

Naruto (Absent in ranked issue)
1. Yu-Gi-Oh!
2. Hikaru no Go
3. One Piece
4. Shaman King
5. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
6. Mr. Fullswing
7. Rising Impact
8. Bleach
9. Kochikame
10. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
11. Rookies
12. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
13. Whistle!
14. Black Cat
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Prince of Tennis
Colour Page: Pyu to Fuku! Jaguar
Absent: HunterxHunter

1. Hikaru no Go
2. One Piece
3. Yu-Gi-Oh!
4. Mr. Fullswing
5. Kochikame
6. Shaman King
7. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
8. Naruto
9. Prince of Tennis
10. Black Cat
11. Whistle!
12. Rising Impact
13. Seikimatsu Leader den Takeshi!
14. Bleach
15. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
16. Grand Vacan (END)
Cover & Lead Colour Page: Sakuratetsu Taiwahen (NEW)
Absent: HunterxHunter and Rookies